Christians: 1, Atheists: 0



  1. Rain is produced from the ocean water being evaporated and forming over time large clouds of moisture full of water. When the cloud becomes filled to capacity is spews out its contents and rain is formed. Science BITCH

  2. Haha, so funny.
    Can't believe the water "joke". Looks like someone really meant it. Really we haven't been 7 billion people for very long anyway. And of course we never use up the water. I guess christians don't take a piss

  3. 1. Matter can be created but not destroyed.
    2. Stupid pun. Irrelevent.
    3. Nuclear fusion only requires the proper elements(hydrogen/helium) and heat and pressure to start & then tends to continue until the fuel runs out.
    4. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901; Charles Darwin died in 1882.
    5. Irrelevent. That's simply what the Sun classifies as. Also, it's a sphere. (Not even a perfect one either.)
    6. Rain is produced from the ocean water being evaporated and forming over time large clouds of moisture full of water. When the cloud becomes filled to capacity is spews out its contents and rain is formed.
    7. The God Particle is just the name they gave it. Irrelevent.
    8. Fact: No one has ever witnessed "miracles", it's a term we give certain events that don't happen that often. (Example- 9/11)
    Fact: some things happen so slowly, they are almost invisible. Like a flower blooming.
    9. Irrelevent. Plus, the continents have been stretched, warped, and re-arranged to do that. Nothing special.
    10. Were people only Earth for just over 2000 years? No.
    11. The gravitational pull of the Sun and the spin of the Earth.
    12. If your so smart, why are you going to die?
    13. This sounds like a 4 year old trying to explain the plot of a movie that was to complex for him/her.
    14. Butterflies lay caterpiller eggs. If they couldn't reproduce, how are they supposed to exist in the first place?

    1. Hey folks, while your enthusiasm in responding to these posts is appreciated, it is worthwhile to note that all of these memes were created by non christians as jokes about the ignorant statements often made by some christians, no need to actually answer them, as they are funny exactly because they are so obviously explicable.
