Facebook by the Numbers in 2010 [STATS]

Facebook users uploaded more than 2.7 million photographs, shared 1 million links and “liked” 7.6 million pages every 20 minutes in 2010, according to the company.

Among other data the social network is releasing: Lady Gaga was the most-liked celebrity on Facebook with 24.7 million likes, beating out Eminem with 23.7 million and Barack Obama, who had 17.2 million.

Meanwhile, here’s a look at Facebook activity from a randomly chosen 20 minutes:

Shared links: 1,000,000
Tagged photos: 1,323,000
Event invites sent out: 1,484,000
Wall posts: 1,587,000
Status updates: 1,851,000
Friend requests accepted: 1,972,000
Photos uploaded: 2,716,000
Comments: 10,208,000
Messages: 4,632,000
Likes: 7,657,000

From mashable
Image credit marketersstudio

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