Funny Signs

prices subject to change according to customers attitude
our tap water is filtered and checked directly at the hotel. regular monthly checks by an independent company qiarantee the utmost quality. we dont recommend to drink it
please do not accept any eatable banana apple tea coffee cold drink biscuit etc from any stranger. it may contain poison and you may lose your money camera or valuable. india delhi
bad shit will happen if you park here
danger. falling will cause injury or death. stay back from cliff edges
gang rape is strictly prohibited. 
trampoline safety fail
trespassers will be hogg tied and told they have purity mouth
beware. this toilet often erupts and sprays water upward when neighboring toilets are flushed
dry paint
do not touch. not only will this kill you it will hurt the whole time you are dying
please note only cubicle no 4 may be used for (quiet) sexual liaisons. the other cubicles are strictly reserved for lavatory functions
caution. please be aware that the balcony is not on ground level
private property, do not hang signs on fence
danger. do not drink this water
drinking alcoholic beverages before pregnancy can cause pregnancy