Math formula that when graphed, produces an image of the formula itself

Tupper's self-referential formula is a self-referential formula defined by Jeff Tupper that, when graphed in two dimensions, can visually reproduce the formula itself. It is used in various math and computer science courses as an exercise in graphing formulae.
The formula was first published in his 2001 SIGGRAPH paper that discusses methods related to the GrafEq formula-graphing program he developed.
The formula is an inequality defined by:
{1\over 2} < \left\lfloor \mathrm{mod}\left(\left\lfloor {y \over 17} \right\rfloor 2^{-17 \lfloor x \rfloor - \mathrm{mod}(\lfloor y\rfloor, 17)},2\right)\right\rfloor 
If one graphs the set of points (x,y-k) with 0 \le x \le 106 and k \le y \le k + 17 such that they satisfy the inequality given above, the resulting graph looks like this:

Tupper's self referential formula plot.png

This formula itself is a general purpose method of decoding a bitmap stored in the constant k, so it could actually be used to draw any other image. When applied to the unbounded positive range 0 \le y, the formula tiles a vertical swath of the plane with a pattern that contains all possible 17 pixel tall bitmaps. (from: wikipedia)